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Presence of General Manager Wang Cheng and His Delegation pay a Visit to the Int

Data:2017-08-18 18:44:32 Hit:Time

    On the morning of August 11, XCCG General Manager Wang Cheng, Chief Engineer Huang Yong, General Manager Assistant Chen Mingxin and General Manager of the Market Development Center Liu Renming visited the International Business Division to investigate and survey its operating conditions during the first half of 2017. Meeting on the second floor of the Technology Building, they listened to the report on operating conditions given by Huang Zhixue, General Manager of the International Business Division. The entire staff of the International Business Division attended.

    General Manager Huang Zhixue's report on operating conditions of the International Business Division during the first half of 2017 to General Manager Wang Chen covered three areas: operating conditions, existing problems and solutions, and focuses for the second half of 2017.

    Through listening to the report and conducting a field investigation, General Manager Wang Cheng and his delegation affirmed the operation and management of the International Business Division in the first half of 2017, and confirmed the view that the “going out” strategic deployment of XCCG must pursue a sole path of expansion of the overseas market business, and that, by overcoming a number of difficulties and making extraordinary efforts to obtain today’s hard-won results, the team of the International Business Division had done an excellent job as the pacesetter of the “going out” strategy. Some comments and suggestions on future work were also made at the meeting.

    Based on his experience developing the domestic market, Liu Renming, General Manager of XCCG Development Center, suggested that the International Business Division 1) improve its management system, 2) focus on management of customer relations, 3) standardize its operations and bid activities, 4) deepen its research into  international investment and financing projects and 5) strive to gradually enter high-end markets, establishing the XCCG brand. Chen Mingxin, XCCG General Manager Assistant, talked about the following aspects of the future work of the International Business Division: first, the urgent necessity of establishment of quotas for all major regions; second, the necessity to further detail implementation of internal controls; third, the necessity of further upgrading the overall level of management skills of project personnel; fourth, the necessity of establishing a pool of construction teams and enabling screening of suppliers to optimize project implementation. XCCG Chief Engineer Huang Yong said that during the expansion of the international market, the International Business Division should first build the urgently-needed  competitive team, before, actively integrating resources with those of cooperators to form a win-win chain of cooperative development. In his speech, XCCG General Manager Wang Cheng paid great attention to the overseas businesses section, and suggested that the International Business Division should expedite solution of the following problems. First, clearly define rights and responsibilities, strengthen management at the corporate level, reducing control from headquarters. Second, market development should have a practical focus. Third, project management systems should be improved and overall planning should be performed scientifically. Fourth, human resources system should be established coordinating staff development with hiring. Fifth, income should be increased in multiple areas, via multiple methods, through multiple channels and in multiple industries. Sixth, an enterprise culture in line with the international mainstream but consistent with the division's business realities should be created. General Manager Wang pointed out that XCCG must set out on the international road, and that the work of the International Business Division was very important to the overseas strategy of XCCG. The colleagues of the International Business Division were required to: first, steadfast follow the international path with determination and confidence; second, quickly establish Division rules and regulations, follow thes rules; third, strengthen organization and management, define rights and responsibilities and perform strict assessment; fourth, build an excellent and competitive team by introducing and cultivating superior talent; fifth, maintaining  vigor and vitality, unswervingly advance XCCG's international path.

    Finally, Huang Zhixue, General Manager of the International Business Division, on behalf of the entire staff, made a statement affirming their determination to take on whatever tough problems the future might bring and the sense of mission and responsibility they felt as the employees tasked with expanding overseas market for XCCG.

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