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Good News from the Successful Bid

Data:2017-08-25 18:42:41 Hit:Time

    On August 14, 2017, XCCG received letters of acceptance from Ukraine Highway Bureau for the highway reconstruction projects numbered M03 and M-12, with bid prices at 57,298,808.08 USD and 38,485,396.97 USD, respectively. This good news is hereby announced.

    The Ukrainian highway reconstruction project awarded this time is owned by Ukraine Highway Bureau and funded by a loan from the World Bank. The M03 (Kyiv-Kharkiv-Dovzhanskyyi) Highway Reconstruction Project is a two-way four-lane highway, with a subgrade width of 28.5 m and a design speed of 100 km/h. With GOST applied, the project, which will be constructed as per the criterion of first-grade highways in China, has a total length of 83.849 km and a construction period of 245 days. The M-12 (Striy-Ternopil-Kyrovograd-Znamyanka) Highway Reconstruction Project is a two-way two-lane highway, with a subgrade width of 14.5 m and a design speed of 60 km/h. With GOST applied, the project, which will be constructed as per the criterion of second-grade highways in China, has a total length of 41.28 km and a construction period of 540 days. After the completion of the aforementioned road projects, great improvements will be made to the local road capacity and local economy. Also, XCCG will therefore become a more influential and competent enterprise in the global market. With the holistic arrangement and support of XCCG leaders, the market layout and the assistance of the International Business Division and complete support of relevant departments, the Tajik Company will forge ahead with the courage to overcome all odds and yield substantial results.

    The successful bid for the Ukraine project has accelerated the “going-out” pace of XCCG and laid a solid foundation for XCCG to enter the market of Eastern Europe. The International Business Division will further free its own mind, endeavor to take on greater responsibilities, be prepared to face challenges, stand at the forefront of XCCG overseas business development and strive to promote the implementation of the international strategy of XCCG.

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