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Research on the Application of Plant-mixed Hot Recycling Technology for Highway

Data:2015-04-24 16:24:56 Hit: Time
    This project's investigation of the status quo of road construction in Xinjiang, and analysis of recycling technologies commonly used at home and abroad, is intended to yield design and construction guidance suitable for plant-mixed hot recycling related to roads in the Xinjiang region.  While emphasis is placed upon research into plant-mixed hot recycling technology for pavings, a full set of measures to related to utilization and analysis of waste asphalt pavement materials, and upgrades to equipment are also proposed.

    Compared with traditional conventional asphalt paving maintenance methods, plant-mixed hot recycling technology for asphalt paving can contribute savings in terms of large amounts of asphalt, gravel and other raw materials and reductions in project investments, and also help with waste treatment and environmental protection. Thus it has significant economic, social and environmental benefits.

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