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Technical issues

Development and Application of Dynamic Quality Monitoring System for Asphalt Mix

Data:2015-04-24 17:07:28 Hit: Time

    With the current rapid development of highway traffic construction in China, asphalt paving has been increasingly adopted in construction of high-grade expressways. The production and management technologies of conventional asphalt mixing plants, however, barely meet existing asphalt paving construction requirements and social demands. Asphalt mixing plants' real-time dynamic quality monitoring systems (often known as “black boxes”) have management functions mainly including collection, monitoring and utilization of various data in real time during production, for the purpose of controlling the quality of these plants during the production process, and of improving the quality of their management. It is now possible, during the production of asphalt mixing plants, that collect and accurately feed-back information in a timely manner, allowing dynamic control of the production process. Whole-process data are then explored post production operations, and related to construction quality, facilitating continuous improvement of the production quality of asphalt mixing plants. Discussions in this paper emphasize methods for rapidly and scientifically controlling the asphalt mixture production quality of asphalt mixing plants.

    This research, by including all quality control points at each stage in the production process used by asphalt mixing plants, aims to provide a scientific production management method for such plants, for the purposes of energy saving, cost reduction and improved economic returns.

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