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Development and Application of Dynamic Quality Monitoring System for Constructio

Data:2015-04-24 17:08:44 Hit: Time

    The dynamic quality monitoring system for the construction of asphalt mixture pavement is a piece of special software designed for real-time monitoring of asphalt mixture production quality during the construction of expressways, first grade highways and urban roads. It is integrated with information systems used for collaborative business management by multi-level users such as project owners (employers), supervisors and production contractors. The system is divided into two major sections: one for intelligent quality monitoring of the asphalt concrete mixing plant, the other for intelligent quality monitoring of asphalt pavement spreading and rolling. The intelligent quality monitoring system of the asphalt concrete mixing plant is focused on monitoring whether grading, temperature, weight and key pour-through rate comply with the relevant standards of the Technical Specification for Construction of Highway Asphalt Pavements (JTG F40-2004). All the data are transmitted to a remote server via GPRS wireless transmission modules, stored in a database after analysis and incorporated in the mix design together with collected data to ensure the precision and timeliness of the data. The intelligent quality monitoring system of asphalt pavement spreading and rolling is focused on monitoring vehicle transportation trends and routes after production of the asphalt mixture, as well as real-time spreading and rolling effects on the spreading field, giving feedback on the spread thickness and compaction times of each asphalt paving layer, showing real-time paving information and monitoring whether paving spreading and rolling the requirements of the standards. All the data on the construction site are sent via GPRS wireless transmission modules to a remote server, stored in the database after analysis and summarized with data from the asphalt concrete mixing plant's intelligent quality-monitoring system, enabling timely reporting of warning data back to the construction management organization, and guaranteeing the construction quality of asphalt pavings.

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